Bullying & Harassment Awareness

About this course

Unsafe behaviours underpin the evolution of a destructive workplace culture. This course provides learners with awareness of psychosocial hazards, and the subsequent psychological and physical impact that unsafe behaviours have on individuals, teams, and organisations. Improving awareness of unsafe behaviours is a proactive means to prevent risk arising from psychosocial hazards.

High performance workplace culture is created by design. Typically, underperforming, or destructive workplace culture is created by default. The culture of any organisation is shaped by the worst behaviours that leaders are prepared to tolerate, ignore, or accept. Therefore, key questions to consider are:

  • What behaviours are tolerated or ignored?

  • What behaviours create risk to health or safety?
  • What are our legal obligations in respect of behavioural risks at work?

  • Are we complying with our legal obligations?

  • If unacceptable behaviour occurs, when and how should team members and leaders intervene?

Methods of delivery:

This course can be delivered face-to-face, online (via Microsoft Teams) or via online self-paced learning (or any combination of these).

Self-paced learning:

As an alternative to face-to-face and online training, this program can be accessed via self-paced learning. Online self-paced learning provides learners with a choice regarding when and where they undertake training. This mode of delivery is both time and cost effective.


For organisations that have a learning management system (LMS), this course is also available in SCORM format. This enables organisations to upload our Bullying and Harassment Awareness training program into their existing LMS.

Maximum number of attendees:

​The delivery and design of our face-to-face and online training sessions ensures high levels of interaction, for this reason we cap attendance at a maximum of 24 attendees at any of these sessions. The are no limitations on the number of self-paced learners.

Relevant to

  • Leadership
  • Employee Relations

Course Content

This training provides the necessary information for learners to easily identify various categories of unsafe behaviours, the seriousness of these behaviours, their respective obligations and the consequences of non-compliance.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this training learners will be able to:

  1. Identify the individual and environmental factors that contribute to the risk of harassment.

  2. Identify the impact that harassment has on victims, bystanders, and the workplace.

  3. Identify when the laws covering harassment apply.

  4. Identify legal duties, including safety and harassment laws.

  5. Identify the interaction between unreasonable behaviour (including harassment) and safety laws.

  6. Identify unreasonable behaviour, workplace bullying, sexual harassment, and racial harassment.

  7. Identify the options that bystanders have when they witness unreasonable behaviour. And what to do if you realise, that you have behaved inappropriately.

  8. Identify the purpose of workplace investigations and associated employee obligations.

  9. Identify the potential legal liability associated with acts of unreasonable behaviour including harassment.

Knowledge Assessment

To assess knowledge transfer, all learners are assessed against the above learning outcomes. These assessments are conducted online. Organisations will be provided with report access to monitor assessments and download certificates of completion. Individuals will be provided with a personalised completion certificate that the learner can use to demonstrate minimum knowledge levels.

Course Details

Group Training

Two Hour Training Course

Available Face-to-face or online


($4,500 when 3 sessions are booked on the same day or $4,100 for clients with a current MyEms Subscription)

NB: Excludes GST, room hire, catering and reasonable travel and accommodation expenses when face-to-face training us delivered outside of the Adelaide metropolitan area.

For all enquires
please email us at [email protected]

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