Employee relations policy document software

logo for ema consulting My ERLibrary software
ER Document Management made easy

My ER Library is designed to assist organisations build a comprehensive document management system for employee relations. My ERLibrary provides confidence and transparency with a cloud based delivery and management portal along with industry expert content maintenance.

  • Transparency for an accountable culture
  • Industrial Risk Management
  • Policy Confidence
  • Full visibility and control of employment document usage
  • Minimise Policy and associated documentation administration
  • Real-time content update notifications and access
  • Document management including version control
  • Role-based document access

Easy access to only the latest and relevant policies and associated documentation

Easy access to only the latest and relevant policies and associated documentation

Other Software

Team Engagement Software

MyConversations provides organisations with a systematic means to assist leaders to develop the skills and commit the necessary time towards engaging in meaningful conversations with their teams.

Probationary Management Software

MyTeamStarts, is designed to assist leaders consistently evaluate the right things whilst assessing new employees.

Incident Reporting Software

MySafetyEvents is designed for organisations and their staff to be able to access a simple yet effective enterprise incident and hazard reporting and management system at a reasonable price.

For your business transformation
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